Divesting from Apartheid Israel


Israel is an Apartheid State, this much is known. Their recent aerial bombardment of Gaza has renewed my interest to oppose their state terrorism. But no matter what, the US will support Israel. So, what can be done?

Solution: Target Apartheid Israel’s Economy!

As a student of Economics, I know that countries are most affected by shocks to their Economy, Israel is no exception. We must divest and boycott companies that have significant investments or financial interests in Apartheid Israel. Additionally, we should notify companies why we refuse to buy their goods and services.

Currently, this movement is known as Boycott, Divest and Sanction. Check out their website here: http://www.bdsmovement.net/

Here are my personal goals:

  • Email all companies that I invest in asking whether to what extent they have investments in Apartheid Israel, and demanding that they divest or that I will sell my stock.
  • Downloading the Buycott app on my smartphone and scanning all products that I purchase to ensure that they are not targets of the Boycott. If they are, I will not buy them, and email or call the company to declare why I am not purchasing their product.
  • Spreading the word and encouraging others to divest from Apartheid Israel.

Here is the sample letter I am using:

To whom it may concern:

I hold a significant personal investment in [COMPANY NAME]. However, due to ongoing events in the Gaza Strip, I am re-evaluating my portfolio to divest from firms with sizable investments or financial interests in Apartheid Israel.

Please tell me to what extent [COMPANY NAME] has economic interests in Apartheid Israel. If possible, please also provide me with investor literature related to [COMPANY NAME’s] commitment to human rights.

Thank you,

And its not just me. Thousands of others around the world are also taking part in the divestment campaign, including several governments, entertainers, politicians, companies, trade unions and more. Here is a list of BDS’s current victories, its starting to snowball. Also, check this out:

It worked for South Africa and it will certainly work against Apartheid Israel. Join in!